Migraines, Vision Loss, and Upper Cervical

migraine headache

Retinal Migraine nucca and migraines

Have you been experiencing strange symptoms in one of your eyes?

Seen flashing lights, suffered temporary blindness or seen patterns in your visual field?

Have you been to your medical doctor and received a diagnosis of retinal migraine?

Have you been told that medications are the only answer for your headaches?

The problem may actually be one of blood flow, and the solution may be traced to an accident or injury in your past.  But what exactly is a retinal migraine? Here are five signs that you can use to tell if you have retinal migraine…

  1. One eye: First, the eye symptoms tend to affect only one eye.
  2. Visual disturbances: So what’s going on in this one eye? There are a variety of disturbances which other migraine sufferers may be familiar with. This might include flashing lights, or patterns in your visual field. There may be an area where your vision is impaired (ie dark spots), or even loss. Even temporary blindness in one eye is possible with retinal migraine.
  3. Temporary: Permanent vision loss is another matter. With retinal migraine the symptoms are reversible.
  4. Headache: A headache typically starts during the visual disturbances, or within an hour after they stop. The headache typically lasts between 4 hours to as long as 3 days, is often one-sided and pulsating, and usually either includes sensitivity to light and/or sound, nausea, or both.
  5. Repeated: In order to actually be diagnosed with retinal migraine, you need to have had at least 2 attacks.

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Researchers suspect decreased blood flow to the eye or optic nerve may be to blame for the unique symptoms of retinal migraine. This decreased blood flow can be a result of trauma to the upper neck. Accidents and injuries affecting the head and neck can lead to misalignments which can change blood flow from the brain to the body.

A doctor trained by the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (N.U.C.C.A.) is able to closely examine the anatomy of the upper neck with both physical examination procedures and specific x-ray protocols. By identifying these specific misalignments the NUCCA trained doctor may be able to find the missing link and underlying cause of the retinal migraine.

What to Do Next

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