Fibromyalgia and the Domino Effect of Whiplash

Fibromyalgia and the Domino effect

What is Whiplash? Have you ever been in an automobile accident? Do you think you might suffer from Whiplash? Did you know whiplash can occur in a rear-end accident at only 5 MPH. What is it? It’s is an overextension of the neck muscles. So, if you were in a recent automobile accident, there is a good chance you suffered …

Whiplash and Migraines in Graham Washington

Whiplash and migraines in Graham Washington

Overextending the Neck Muscles could Lead to Migraines Previously on this blog we looked at how a misalignment of the Atlas Vertebra can affect your cerebral blood flow and the amount of cerebrospinal fluid your brain and spine receive. To review, receiving the incorrect flow of the blood or cerebrospinal fluids can lead to Migraines. In this article, we will …

Vertigo Emergency Room Visits Cost $4 Billion per Year

Vertigo emergency room visits cost 4 billion per year

Dizziness Is Expensive According to Dr. Ali S. Saber Tehrani and colleagues, from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, emergency department costs for patients presenting with dizziness or vertigo are considerable, accounting for about $4 billion per year (about 4 percent of total emergency department costs), the study was published in the July issue of Academic Emergency Medicine. The researchers found …

The NUCCA Difference for Fibromyalgia

Learn about the NUCCA difference for Fibromyalgia

The NUCCA Difference – Understanding Upper Cervical Chiropractic and Fibromyalgia  Your Spine and Atlas Misalignment              Have you ever wondered why a NUCCA doctor’s technique is gentle? Why your doctor doesn’t just twist your neck or crack your back? You’re not alone. Most people who have heard about NUCCA have these questions. Let’s take a …

Can Concussions Cause Lingering Headaches and Migraines?

Can concussions cause lingering headaches and vertigo?

Concussions and Other Head Traumas For years NUCCA doctors have been asking patients if they have a history of head and neck injuries including, car accidents, falls, times where they have been knocked unconscious, had a concussion or stitches to their head. Why? When accidents and injuries tear loose the connective tissue that holds the spine in place it creates …

Epley Maneuver for Vertigo: What Is It? What if it Doesn’t Work?

Epley maneuver

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) As you most likely have heard, the most common diagnosis for vertigo symptoms is benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV).  BPPV can happen when infection or inflammation keeps tiny stones in your inner ear from moving the way they should. The vertigo attacks usually lasts less than a minute. A common procedure used by physical therapists and some doctors is …

NUCCA Chiropractic Chronic Fatigue Linked in Research


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia Previously on this blog we had written about NUCCA and Fibromyalgia. Whether you have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia or the very similar chronic fatigue syndrome this article is important for you to read.If you’re asking the question why am I so tired? Or you been diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome or Fibromyalgia. The 1st step …

NUCCA Spinal Care Relieves Headaches in Graham Washington

NUCCA spinal care relieves headaches

Is That Advil Really Helping You? While there are many different causes of headaches, there is there been a documented case where the underlying cause was Advil deficiency!  Advil, aspirin, Tylenol and others are only masking your symptoms while the underlying cause continues to worsen. While we have seen amazing results in our own patients. There is also a growing …

Should You Take Prednisone for Fibromyalgia Pain?

Should you take prednisone for fibromyalgia pain

Prednisone for Fibromyalgia So let’s pretend you have a chronic neck or back pain, Fibromyalgia or another condition that has a lot of inflammation and swelling that goes along with it.  So your friendly MD puts you on Prednisone to help it…what’s the big deal? Well, basically what Prednisone does is decrease inflammation while depressing your immune system. Common Side Effects …

Diet and Migraine Headaches in Graham Washington

Diet and migraine headaches in Graham Washington

Migraine Headaches and Your Diet Do you or someone you know suffer from migraine headaches? If you do, you might have sought the help of neurologists, naturopaths, and even general practitioners in attempts to find a prescription or procedure that would alleviate the constant and unbearable pain. Sometimes something as simple as a change in your diet can alleviate your …

MTBI: Vertigo, Headaches, Memory Problems and More

migraine headache

Symptoms of Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries (MTBI) In recent years, people have begun to talk more about more about traumatic brain injuries, but some traumatic brain injuries, such as concussions, are more mild than others. These mild traumatic brain injuries (MTBI), which refers to the severity of the initial physical trauma and not the consequences of the injury, can happen …

How to Know If You Are Suffering from Fibromyalgia?

How to know if you are suffering from fibromyalgia

Do you suffer from Fibromyalgia? Are you not sure? Fibromyalgia is a long-term condition that leads to body wide pain and tenderness in the joints. It affect10% of all people within the United States, and it most commonly affects women from the ages of 20 – 50. Here’s a list of symptoms to watch for: Fibromyalgia Symptoms Chronic Muscle Pain, …

Research Shows That Old Whiplash Injuries Are Leading to Migraines

Concussion, Whiplash

Cranio-Cervical Syndrome A group of distinguished experts met in New York City on April 6, 2013 to discuss the impact of a newly identified medical syndrome known as Cranio-Cervical Syndrome (CCS). The conference is expected to become an annual event to address the pandemic needs of the millions of patients (including 1.2 million whiplash injuries annually in the US) who …