Spinal Alignment Helps Vertigo Sufferers

Anyone suffering from vertigo is all too familiar with the feeling that he or the things around him are spinning. This can be quite disheartening. The underlying cause of such a condition has to do with the vestibular system that includes the inner ear and is responsible for balance and letting the brain know where the body is located in …

Natural Relief from Vertigo in Graham, Washington

Vertigo has been defined as the feeling as if the person or the things around him are spinning when there is actually no movement. One of the most common forms is called benign paroxysmal positional vertigo or BPPV. While the name sounds long and daunting, it is pretty simple when it is broken down. Benign means that life is not …

New Information on Vertigo and How to Find Natural Relief

Vertigo Relief, Dizziness Relief, Dizzy, Meniere’s Relief, Vertigo, Dizziness, Meniere’s , Meniere’s Disease

Vertigo is the sensation that a person or the things around a person are spinning. It happens to approximately 5 to 10% of people under the age of 40. After 40, the number affected is 40%. In the years 1995 – 2004, vertigo made up 2.5% of all emergency department visits. There has been new research conducted that indicates that …

Vertigo — Is There a Better Treatment You Should Know About?

Vertigo Relief, Dizziness Relief, Dizzy, Meniere’s Relief, Veritgo

Vertigo Relief, Dizziness Relief, Dizzy, Meniere’s Relief, VeritgoVertigo can cause major disruptions to a person’s daily life whether an episode lasts for a matter of minutes, only occurs once, or repeatedly happens over a period of time.  The condition can be incredibly disorientating, with patients feeling like the room is spinning and experiencing sensations that make them want to sit or lie down …

How to Successfully Treat Vertigo in Graham WA

Vertigo, Dizzy, Spinning, Meniere's Disease

If a person ever gets the feeling that they are spinning, or the things around them are spinning even though they are standing still, he or she may have vertigo. Vertigo can come on quickly and immediately go away or linger for a few hours or days. Some people become nauseated, vomit, have headaches, and experience double vision. This can …

Vertigo Facts in Graham Washington

Vertigo, Dizzy, Spinning, Meniere's Disease

A person may have heard of vertigo or even wonder if they are experiencing it, but may not know exactly what it is. It is a sensation of dizziness that feels as if the person is spinning or the things around him or her are spinning. Many times it is the result of a problem in the inner ear. What …

Vertigo Can Affect Anyone at Anytime

Jason Day, Meniere's Disease, Vertigo, Ringing Ear, Dizziness, Dizzy

Jason Day, a professional golfer, stumbled and fell to the ground during the 2nd round of the 2015 US Open. He was diagnosed with benign positional vertigo, the most common form of vertigo. Day came back and played the next round even though he was still suffering. He had previously withdrawn from another competition due to vertigo. So, what is …

The Causes of Vertigo in Seattle Washington

Vertigo, Dizzy, Spinning

The ear consists of the outer ear, which is the part that everyone sees, the middle ear, and the inner ear. Each of these parts of the ear plays an important part in the translation of sound waves into sounds that a person can understand. When there’s a dysfunction in the Vestibular system, which is part of the inner ear, …