Trigeminal Neuralgia

Migraine, Headache, Migraine Aura

Is there any hope?

Trigeminal Neuralgia or TN affects 40,000 people every year in the United States. This condition has been labeled the “suicide disease” because it causes a relentless pain in the face that drives some people to end their life rather than face another day with the inescapable pain. Trigeminal Neuralgia can be an expensive condition to try and manage because the only conventional option is surgery and many patients go through the process only to find that it doesn’t change their symptoms.

What makes Trigeminal Neuralgia complicated to manage is that the neurology involved is complex. The trigeminal nucleus is the largest of the cranial nerve nuclei and it goes all the way through the midbrain, the lower-brain and into the upper part of the cervical spine. The midbrain and lower-brain are both protected by the skull, but the upper cervical spine provides a unique area for things to go wrong. At Advanced Spinal Care we have taken care of many patients with this debilitating condition. While NUCCA Care is not a treatment for any specific disease, we have seen that proper atlas alignment can often make a profound difference for those suffering with Trigeminal Neuralgia.

If you or someone you know has the symptoms of Trigeminal Neuralgia then schedule a consultation with the doctors at Advanced Spinal Care today and find out if NUCCA Care is right for you.