Is your health at its peak?

Are you at the peak of your health? When you think of someone who is, what kind of person comes to mind? An athlete? An olympian? Yourself just out of highschool?

What are the essentials to health? We all have heard that eating right, drinking enough water, getting the sleep and exercise that we need, what else could be done to stay at the peak of our health? There is a mental, spiritual and emotional side to health as well but are we still missing something major?

Aside from the roof over your head and the fuel you put in your body, there is something that is essential to stay healthy and well. At the base of the brain where the spinal cord and nervous system start to communicate with the rest of the body there is a housing protective set of bones that protect the most essential communications system in your body. These two bones also known as the Atlas or C1 and C2 are the key to your health being at its peak. If these two bones experience a trauma or are out of alignment it can disrupt how the brain communicates with the rest of the body. There is no end to the health problems this can potentially cause. Think of every area your nervous system effects, now how

essential do you think it is to care for it? Our bodies house and protect the nervous system, shouldn’t we then continue to do our best to care for it rather than ignore and neglect it? Every organ in our body connects to our nervous system, our ability to walk, to move is connected to the nervous system, our full ability to function independently.

Keeping these two bones in alignment and taking a preventative health and wellness approach could potentially keep you from life threatening emergencies. It can keep your immune system working at optimal levels, which in turn will fight illness, disease and viruses as your body was designed to.

You might be wondering, how can I be sure my atlas is in alignment?” They are trained to verify physical attributes which will lead them to verify with X-rays if there has been a misalignment caused by some sort of trauma. Then there is a very specific but gentle adjustment made to the atlas to move it back into alignment. The key with NUCCA care is the continued check ups to hold the adjustment as well as regular maintenance after the initial healing care and follow up is complete. Taking care of this area in our body is essential for our health. Contact us today to set up a complimentary consultation, to verify if you are holding optimal alignment and peak health.